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You may copy and use the photos here in your own publications as long as you give credit to the book as follows: Knights of Freedom by Lt. Col. Frederick C. Brems USAR (RET), published by Stackpole Books, Blue Ridge Summit, PA.

Photos 13 R 1 to 13 R 12
Hi-resolution photos of a Russian column passing through Preusslitz. See the story on pages 241 and 242 of the book.

Photos A 13 Preusslitz (1) to (10)
Hi-resolution photos of the ceremony where I was awarded the Bronze Star with V for Valor. See the story on page 242.
Photos 7 and 8 show two tankers receiving their medals as well. I do not know their names, but I include their photos here to honor them.
One of the Pershing tanks of the 1st Battalion, 66th AR parked behind us gave the entire ceremony some muscle.
(My dad did not want to include photos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The photos show him arriving late. He was holding up the entire ceremony. – FGB)

Photos 1-13 Leau Preusslitz to 11-13 Leau Preusslitz
Hi-resolution of the photos at Leau Work Camp outside Preusslitz. See the story on pages 243 and 244.