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You may copy and use the photos here in your own publications as long as you give credit to the book as follows: Knights of Freedom by Lt. Col. Frederick C. Brems USAR (RET), published by Stackpole Books, Blue Ridge Summit, PA.

German Jagdpanther Sd.Kfx.173 in color taken at a WWII vehicle museum, See page 161.
Close up of the author in the tour group. Page 165.

PHOTOS 376, 377, 378 and 379
The complete sequence of the little girl looking at the extinguished flame at the Arc de Triomphe that starts on page 165.

Close up of the National Academy of Music entrance. Notice the men in the suits and GIs doing what all GIs do. Accompanies page 166.

PHOTOS 388, 389 and 390
The author’s guidebook to the Louvre and original booklet from his night at the Folies Bergere. Also a photo of a poster advertising the nightclub Tabarin. See story on page 168.

Close-up of the fuel intake, where the tank took its first hit and caught fire. Unbeknownst to the author, his tank took a second hit that destroyed the track, clearly visible here. Notice the open hatches and the camouflage netting. Page 168.